Short CV

Research Interests:
Geometrical/topological methods for data analysis; shape analysis and comparison, and related applications to Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision and Computer Graphics.

Education and Current Position:
Andrea Cerri graduated cum laude in Mathematics in 2003 at the University of Bologna, with a thesis on the spectral properties in spin glass models. In the same year he was granted a scholarship for a Ph.D. in Mathematics, and joined the ARCES Centre of Excellence at the University of Bologna. He received a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2007, focusing his research on geometrical/topological methods for shape description and comparison, with particular reference to the study of the stability and the computational aspects of multidimensional Size Theory. From then on, he has worked as a research fellow at ARCES until September 2010. He then joined the PRIP Group at the Vienna University of Technology, where he has worked as a project assistant until June 2011. After spending one year more at ARCES (September 2011 - August 2012), since Novenber 2012 he is a research fellow at IMATI - CNR in Genova.
During his Ph.D. research, he extended his education by attending several postgraduate schools (such as "AIM@SHAPE - International Summer School on Shape Modelling and Reasoning" and "ICVSS 2007 - International Computer Vision Summer School 2007"), gaining knowledge and experience in the fields of Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision and Computer Graphics.

Research Activity and Participation in Research Projects:
His research follows transversal directions, ranging from theoretical interests (such as the study of distances between topological spaces and manifolds) to applicative interests (such as like the development of computational techniques for shape comparison and retrieval). He has authored 13 peer-reviewed papers published in scientific journals as well as in proceedings of international conferences, and several communications presented to national and international conferences. Some of his research products comes from collaborations with other institutions, such as the École Normale Superiéure in Cachan (Paris) and the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group at the Vienna University of Technology. His interest both in theoretical and applicative problems led him to participate in research projects of a different nature, such as a French-Italian bi-national project focusing on image analysis (Galileo - Riconoscimento di forme ed Applicazioni) and a MIUR project for the integration of advanced research in nanotechnologies, Computer Vision and image classification with the technology of pharmaceutical packaging (DISTEF - DIspositivi per registrare la storia TErmica del Farmaco). He also worked as a project assistant within the CHIC project from September 2010 to June 2011.

A detailed version of my CV can be found here (for the italian version click here).