Training Activities


Course & STAR Organization

  1. -Course Organizer “Spectral Geometry Processing: Theory and Applications”, SGP2019 Graduate School, July 6 , 2019, Milano (Italy).

  2. -Course Organizer “An Introduction to Laplacian Spectral Kernels and Distances: Theory, Computation, and Applications”, SIGGRAPH 2017, July 30 - August 4, 2017, Los Angeles (USA)

  3. -STAR Organizer “Laplacian Spectral Kernels and Distances for Geometry Processing and Shape Analysis”, Eurographics 2016, May 9-13, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. Speakers: G.Patanè.

  4. -Course Organizer “An Introduction to Ricci Flow and Volumetric Approximation with Applications to Shape Modeling”, at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2014, December, 3-4, 2014, Shenzen, China.  Speakers: G.Patanè, X.D. Gu, X. Li.

  5. -Course Organizer “Surface- and Volume-Based Techniques for Shape Modeling and Analysis”, at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013, November, 19-22, 2013, Hong Kong, China. Speakers: G.Patanè, X.D. Gu, X.S. Li.

  6. -Course Organizer “3D Shape Modeling and Analysis Through Functional and Metric Spaces”, during the 3-D Geometry/Imaging Summer School, July, 16-August, 3, 2012, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan, China. Speaker: G.Patanè.

  7. -Course Organizer “Spectral, Curvature Flow Surface- and Volume-Based Techniques for Shape Modeling and Analysis”, Shape Modeling International, 2012, May, 22-25, 2012, College Station, Texas, USA. Speakers: G.Patanè, X.D. Gu, X.S. Li, M. Spagnuolo.

Tutorials and Courses

  1. -Tutorial on “Knowledge Management”, 4th Workshop on 3D Physiological Human, September, 8-11, 2013, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

  2. -Tutorial on “Ontology of the MultiScaleHuman Project”, 1st Summer School on Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering, Multi-Scale Biological Modalities for Physiological Human Articulation, March, 20-22, 2013, 3B’s Research Group - AvePark, Guimaraes, Portugal.

  3. -MiniSymposium on “Shape Understanding via Spectral Analysis Techniques”. Shape Modeling International 2008, June, 4-6, 2008, Stony Brook University, New York, USA.

  4. -Eurographics Tutorial on “3D Shape Description and Matching Based on Properties of Real Functions”, September, 3-7, 2007, Prague - Czech Republic.

  5. -Course on “Skeletal Structures”. International Summer School on Computational Methods for Shape Modelling and Analysis, June, 14-18, 2004, CNR, Genova - Italy.

Invited Talks

  1. -State-of-the-art and perspectives of implicit modeling for molecular surfaces”,ComputationalElectrostatics for Biological Applications 2013, July, 1-3, 2013, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy.

  2. -Surface- and Volume-based Analysis of 3D Shapes”, 3-D Geometry and Imaging Conference, Kunming University of Science and Technology, July, 16-August, 3, 2012, Yunnan, China.

  3. -Topology-and error-driven extension of scalar functions from surfaces to volumes”, presented at SIGGRAPH 2010, Los Angeles - USA, July, 25-29, 2010, as paper published in ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(1)-2009.

  4. -Differential Topology Methods for Shape Description”, 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zurich - ICIAM 2007, July, 16-20, 2007, Switzerland.

  5. -Graph-based Parameterization of Triangle Meshes with Arbitrary Genus”. Max Planck - Institut fuer Informatik, Saarbruecken - Germany, January, 31, 2005.

  6. -Global and local parameterization of arbitrary triangle meshes”. Summer School on Open Software for Algebraic and Geometric Computation, September, 5-9, 2005, Sophia Antipolis.

Academic Teaching

  1. -Lecturer Ph.D. Course “Analysis of Discrete Surfaces” - Department of Mathematics, University of Genova, Italy. Academic Years: 2011-12, 2008-09, 2007-08, 2006-07.

  2. -Lecturer M.Sc. Course “Methods for the Analysis of Discrete Surfaces and Their Applications” - Department of Mathematics, University of Genova - Italy. Academic Years: 2013-2014, 2011-12, 2008-09, 2007-08, 2006-07, 2005-06.

  3. -Lecturer M.Sc. Course “Specialistic Laboratory: Graphics” - Department of Computer Science, University of Genova - Italy. Academic Years: 2004-05.

International Conference and School Organization

  1. -Programme Chair: “Shape Modeling International”, Lille - France, June, 24-26, 2015.

  2. -Programme Chair: “GeoBigData Workshop 2015”, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, September, 28-October, 3, 2015, La Grande Motte, France.

  3. -Chair and Organizer of the Conference “Multi-scale Human Body Modelling: from Static to Time-Varying Data and Knowledge Processing”, Festival della Scienza, October, 24, 2014, Genova, Italy.

  4. -Chair and Organizer of the MultiScaleHuman Summer School on “Semantic Data Processing for Biomedical Applications”, March, 12-13, 2014, Genova, Italy.

  5. -Chair and Organizer of the Conference “From Imagination to Knowledge Visualization in Multiscale Human Body Modelling”, Festival della Scienza, October, 26, 2012, Genova, Italy.